I Read So You Don't Have To

Geek girl blogs about her code projects and the books she's read

Rails and Javascript Portfolio Project - RateMyFav 2.0

Before updating my Rails portfolio project with Javascript functionality, I installed the jquery-readyselector Ruby gem. This gem extends the jquery .ready() function so it can be called on jquery selectors (ie., ` i$(“#franchise-index”).ready instead of the entire document. The jquery-readyselector` allowed me to split my Javascript into page-specific files while still concatenating them in the Javascript asset pipeline.

Rails Portfolio Project: RateMyFav (aka Don't Rely Too Much on Helpers)

My Ruby on Rails portfolio project is called RateMyFav. It lets users sign up, submit, and vote on their favorite franchises (video games, tv shows, etc.)

Sinatra App - RPG Character Builder

My Sinatra portfolio app is an RPG Character Builder that allows users to save and view details of the video game characters they’ve created and played.

CLI Gem - Top-Selling Steam Games

I love video games and I love Steam, so I decided to build a CLI Gem around Steam.

Most Important Thing to Understand About Hashes

The most important thing to understand about hashes is that they store data in key-value pairs.