I Read So You Don't Have To

Geek girl blogs about her code projects and the books she's read

How Coding Helps Us Fight Bad Habits

Girls Who Code Synchrony 2019 Graduation Ceremony - Teacher Speech

Time Class in Ruby: Basics

In case someone asks you to use some basic Time objects on a technical interview, you will now be prepared!

SQL Essentials: Using GROUP BY and ORDER BY Together

In SQL, the main difference between the GROUP BY() and ORDER BY() functions is that ORDER BY() sorts returned values by column name, in ascending or descending order, while GROUP BY() sorts the result sets of aggregate functions like sum, count, minimum, or maximum.

All I'm Asking is for a Little RSpec, Part I: Reducing Duplication

The wrong ways to do it

Algorithm Essentials: Hashing vs Arrays

Let’s say you’re given the below problem: